Preschool Classes by Site » Del Sur Preschool

Del Sur Preschool

Del Sur Elementary School

Del Sur Elementary School
15665 Paseo Del Sur
San Diego,  CA  92127

Full-Day, 10-Month: Sharelle Venable, (858) 674-6200 ext. 6317
3-Hour, 10-Month: Katie Rarity-Chlebowski (858) 674-6200 ext. 6350
Parent Participation/Non-participation Preschool
Fees are reduced for parents who participate in their child’s class. Parents schedule days to participate each month. Twice per month for 3 year old class, 3 times per month for 4 year old class.  They complete PUSD’s Volunteer Application, submit TB skin testing results, agree to a Megan’s Law Background Check, and sign the Volunteer Code of Conduct.

Non-Participating Parents Non-participating parents pay higher fees each month than parents participating in the classes. They are not required to participate on a regular basis in their child’s class. Parents are always encouraged to volunteer in class, to attend special events at class/school, field trips, and/or prepare art projects. When parents are able to volunteer in the classroom or with preparation work, they make arrangements with the teacher.
Days Times  Students Teacher Parent Participation 
Monthly Fees
Non-Parent Participation
Monthly Fees
T-TH  8:30a.m - 11:30 a.m Three-year-olds Katie Rarity Chlebowski $260 $330
M-W-F 8:30a.m - 11:30 a.m Four-year-olds Katie Rarity Chlebowski $360 $480


Full-Day Preschool

Full Day Programs are open 7:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. each day. Teachers establish daily schedules with learning experiences throughout the day. Learning activities are planned to meet learning standards in all areas of development: including music and movement, social and emotional development, cognitive development, gross and fine motor development, and pre-academic areas (literacy, math, and content areas of science and social studies).

Days Times  Program Year Teacher Monthly Fee
M-F 7:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. 10-Month Sharelle Venable $1450