Preschool » Preschool Staff

Preschool Staff

PUSD Preschool Department Staff

15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego CA 92128
Email: [email protected]
Tuition-based Programs: 858-521-2846 (Temporary Office Hours 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM)
State-funded Programs: 858-521-2847 (Office Hours 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM)
FAX: 858-485-1937
Director Christine Carrera 858-521-2850 Email Christine Carrera
Assistant Director Reggi'e Webster 858-521-2855 Email Reggi'e Webster
Office Specialist,
Tuition-based Registration & Pearl Center
Karine Ghougassian Gassian 858-521-2846 Email Karine Ghougassian Gassian
Office Specialist,
State-funded Registration 
Marcela Flores 858-521-2847 Email Marcela Flores
Early Education Supervisor (Pearl Center) Huyen Pham 858-672-3400-x3103 Email Huyen Pham
Preschool Operations Supervisor Christine Kutzner 858-521-2223 Email Christine Kutzner
Preschool Operations Supervisor Kristie Spillane 858-521-2226 Email Kristie Spillane
Billing Information
Accountant II Laura Sachs 858-521-2233 Email Laura Sachs
Accounting Technician Meghann Stralo 858-521-2221 Email Meghann Stralo