Preschool Resources for Parents » Readiness


PUSD Preschool and Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten Readiness

What knowledge, skills and attitudes are important in preparation for KINDERGARTEN/TRANSITIONAL KINDERGARTEN?  

This informal list represents desirable readiness skills that will help children get off to a good start when they begin school. Not every skill must be acquired before entering kindergarten/TK. This list is not designed as a sole source for making decisions about kindergarten/TK entry. It is a guide to help reassure parents that their intuitions and experiences with their own children give them valuable insight about readiness for kindergarten/TK.
Alphabet Knowledge Identifies some letters, uses some letter-sound associations, and may begin to recognize that letters make up words.
Books Enjoys being read to, explores and discusses books, draws pictures related to story and talks about drawing.
Concepts Knows concepts like over, under, through, etc.
Draws Copies vertical and horizontal lines, cross, square, circle; draws a person with five parts.
Environmental Print Recognizes signs, billboards, labels, business logos.
Fine Motor Skills Grasps small objects correctly (ex. crayon, pencil, paintbrush), strings beads, works puzzles, cuts with scissors.
Gross Motor Skills Climbs, walks, jumps, hops, kicks and catches a large ball, pedals a tricycle.
Healthy Habits Practices personal hygiene routines; knows what foods are good for him/her.
Independence Shows confidence, is not fearful, cleans up after self.
Jobs Understands that people work in jobs; names community helpers.
Knowledge About The Community Discusses weather, plant and animal life, vehicles, and sounds heard in environment.
Listening Follows two-step directions, responds when others speak, waits for own turn; is able to sit for up to 10 minutes.
Money Identifies penny, nickel, and dollar bill; understands that money buys things.
Numbers Understands that numbers represent quantity (quantities to 5); counts to 20.
Oral Communication Asks for help when needed, uses appropriate volume; is coherent, uses complete sentences.
Phonological Awareness Recognizes sounds in language, some sounds at beginning of words; nursery rhymes, rhyming words.
Questions Answers “who,” “ what,” “ when,” “where,” “ why,” questions.
Respect For Others Plays with and accepts others, their cultures, special needs, property; uses appropriate social and classroom behaviors; shows community responsibility, fairness.
Self-help Cares for own things; eats with little assistance; manipulates zippers, buttons, and other fasteners.
Technology Identifies technology used in daily life; shows positive attitude about computers, uses mouse appropriately.
Unite Parents unite with school and support school by volunteering in child’s class, joining PTA, and participating in Parent Education.
Vocabulary Uses and understands many words; identifies and sorts pictures in categories.
Writes Explores writing some upper- and lower-case letters, numerals, own name, exploratory writings (pretend writing during play) and/or invented spelling.
Xylophone Appreciates music and performs rhythmic movements, uses instruments.
Youthful Enthusiasm Shows awareness of the feelings of others, initiates interactions with peers.
Zest for learning Explores new interests; seeks assistance in solving problems; shows pride in performance or products created; eager to learn new things.